• notes from Free Udacity Course Browser Rendering
  • App Lifecycles


Response, Animations, Idle, Load.

But that's not in chronological order... Liar.

  • Load: Critical Rendering Path, rendering response (max 1s)

    • GatsbyJS does this very effectively!
  • Idle: Wait for user response, or things deferred below the fold (max 50ms)

    • lazy loading images/videos/assets
    • other assets comments...
    • ...(max 50ms) as user Response delay can + to this.
  • Response: UI/UX (max:100ms)

    • checkbox
    • tap button
    • ...animations
  • Animation: (16ms - (4ms))

    • minus browser overhead (4ms)

Strategy - F.L.I.P


  • Theory: Once the browser has run the animation once, we can run it backwards at very little cost. Pre-calculate the expensive work.


Chronological order of app lifecycle. Load, Idle, Animation, Response