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Updating to GatsbyV3

Updating to GatsbyV3

How I updated from GatsbyV2 to GatsbyV3. In this post, I explain some of the problems and pitfalls I had along the way and how I configured some of the new features provided.

It’s been a week since the new release was announced at Gatsby Conference 2021. If you haven’t updated yet, what are you waiting for!?

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GatsbyJS Performance Audit

GatsbyJS Performance Audit

I’ve been looking forward to auditing this blog. It’s easy to forget or underestimate all the juicy goodness GatsbyJS is doing straight out of the box. (Have you tried the new gatsby-plugin-image yet?

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Upgrading to gatsby-source-wordpress @v4 plugin

Upgrading to gatsby-source-wordpress @v4 plugin

At first, when I read about how the gatsby-source-wordpress-plugin was having such a huge update, I was slightly annoyed. I had just finalised my blog and wanted to move on to something different. I was worried (wrongly) that it would somewhat undo what I had learnt using the gatsby-source-wordpress@v3.

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Includes demo 'unit tests' provided by WordPress for theme development.

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