New Features Of Biab2021
new ui in standalone app. Much more malleable via mixer layout. EG, bars per line can be edited in right corner of chord sheet. It's much easier to break up all the windows and clearer views.
Time-sigs +(changes) are now shown in the chord edit windows. Visual Transposition is now easier to set.
New utility tracks are included and these can be used for pretty much anything. Midi channels, Audio channels, and you can even select real tracks. This is awesome for A/B testing when mixing real tracks together. Also really useful for any kind of A/B I suppose. Awesome new feature.
New option for zooming into audio from the cursor rather then mouse location. Including copy and paste.
New option to generate partial realtracks via audio edit! Select a region of audio and generate->select&generate. This can be then be redo+undod for quick a+b testing.
"Silent" midi allows realtracks to be midified, and reorganised.
New time-sig fetaures.
Visually set the sig for visual music to more suitable reading.
- cut-time for 16th note to 8th note. eg celtic/old time country
- 2/4 for ragtime
timesig is now more commonsense approach regarding setting compositionally. New lyric features for note and bar based lyrics. Including note-to-bar conversion lyrics
fix sour notes in real tracks mixer->track-settings->fix-sour-notes song-key-signitures - only allow notes in key.
better plugin management in mixer. better introductions settings/options
copy/paste chords via text and viceversa. lots of new features & syntax for storing songs.
Loads of new copy K features for quickly copy sections via K cmnd syntax.
Brand new Daw plugin allows for micromanagment of tracks&channels with DAW.